Why our wind turbines are the best in the market?

AIG WINDS’ wind turbines are conceived and produced based on patented models. Our designs provide for an optimal use and control of the wind power, in the greenest possible way.

100% Recyclable:

Made of totally recyclable materials, our wind turbines produce REAL GREEN AND RENEWABLE ENERGY. You have certainly heard of many ways and means to produce green energy, such as solar panel and traditional wind turbines. Well, the BIG SURPRISE is that NONE of these produce REAL GREEN ENERGY. As a matter of fact, the amount of residual scrap thrown away every year to the planet from the amortized and replaced solar panels and traditional wind turbines is cruel. According to Statista, waste from traditional wind turbines is expected to exceed 6.5 million metric tons by 2049. Photovoltaic waste is not much better for solar panels. According to an article in Forbes website, The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in 2016 estimated there was about 250,000 metric tonnes of solar panel waste in the world at the end of that year. IRENA projected his amount could reach 78 million metric tonnes by 2050. To know more, click for full article The world still can’t find a solution to this dangerous challenge that is getting bigger every day.

Low installation and maintenance cost:

Our wind turbines are conceived to be easily installed. Thanks to their relatively small height, they are also very easy accessible for maintenance purposes.

Insignificant transportation cost of energy:

The dimensions of our wind turbines are flexible and can meet the needs of different customers. Thanks to their small dimensions, our wind turbines can be installed in Urban Areas, such as the roof of a house, a school, church, government building, manufacturing facility, …etc. The advantage of our custom made wind turbines is that they require no transportation of energy, as the energy is consumed in the same place it is produced.

Low noise:

Unlike existing traditional wind turbines, ours produce very low noise in their surrounding area. Neighbouring community can sleep in peace and tranquillity.

Higher efficiency:

Thanks to our patented designs, our wind turbines produce more energy and work more hours throughout the year. Furthermore, our wind turbines can produce energy starting from a wind speed as low as 7km/hour. The bottom line is that the cost of the energy generated by our wind turbines is 50% of the cost of energy produced by other turbines in the market.

Small land space required for installation:

Our wind turbines require only a small space to be installed. A wind farm with our wind turbines typically requires about 25% of the space required for a farm with traditional wind turbines producing similar quantities of energy.

High protection:

Our patented protective screens are aimed at protecting our wind turbines from strong winds and sand storms. When the wind exceeds a certain speed, our detective devices trigger the closing of the screens.

No harm to the birds:

Our wind turbines are safe and do not put any danger to the wild life around them, unlike traditional wind turbines which kill tens of millions of birds every year in the globe. United States alone. The American Birds Conservancy says in a study that 1.17 million birds are killed by wind turbines every year in the United States alone. Read full article